1936: The Reisterstown American Legion Post 116 was formed in 1936 by a group of 13 Charter members. They met at members’ homes, the Masonic Temple, and the Firehouse to conduct American Legion business before finding a permanent location in the Garrison school just off Reisterstown Road, near where the current Garrison Police Precinct building is located now.
Let’s look at our charter…

The required number of persons duly qualified for membership having applied therefor and such application having been approved in due form.
Now therefore, pursuant to the powers conferred by the Constitution of The American Legion, this Charter is granted and those applying together with such others as may unite with them, are hereby authorized to establish and maintain a Post of
at Reisterstown, to be known as Reisterstown Post No. 116 Department of Maryland, and this instrument, unless revoked or suspended, shall be conclusive evidence of the lawful existence thereof.
By the acceptance of this Charter, the said Post acknowledges irrevocable jurisdiction and declares itself to be in all things subject to the Constitutions of The American Legion and of the Department of Maryland, and the rules, regulations, orders and laws promulgated in pursuance thereof; and further the said Post pledges itself, through its members, to uphold, protect and defend the Constitution of The United States and the principles of true Americanism, for the common welfare of the living and in solemn commemoration of those who died that liberty might not perish from the Earth.
In Witness Thereof, this charter is given under the hand and seal of the National Commander, duly attested by the National Adjutant, at Headquarters in Indianapolis, Indiana, this 27th day of June, 1936; and countersigned by the Commander and the Adjutant for the Department of Maryland, at Baltimore the 28 day of June, 1936.
Chas. S Houck Jr. – Department Commander
Walter L. Reigel. – Department Adjutant
Ray Murphy – National Commander
Frank E. Samuel – National Adjutant
1950-something: The first Post home, formerly a private residence, was purchased in the early fifties on Route 140 in Reisterstown, giving members a hometown location. The post remained there until 1986.
1986 (December): Post home moves from it’s prior location, to a new building at 1090 Westminster Pike, just 1.5 miles away. The move was necessary due to the construction of I-795. The hilltop location, consisting of 16 acres of farmland, was graded to provide a level space to construct the new Post Home. At the time, the Post had almost 400 members, an SAL Squadron of 75 members, and an Auxiliary Unit of nearly 100 members.
2011: The Post’s 75th anniversary.
Spring 2020: Covid-19 pandemic hits the US and almost everything shut down; our Post included. We were fully closed from April thru July. When restrictions were relaxed a bit, we opened but only for outdoor usage. Eventually, indoor dining was resumed but with restrictions and protocols.
2020: The area to the right of the main building was fenced in to provide a private area for functions. Shortly thereafter, a firepit was built by Luke McCarthy of Troop 634 as his Eagle Scout project.
2021 (June): It feels like prohibition is over! All of the Covid-19 restrictions have been lifted and we’re back in full operation with NO limit on anything.