9-Ball Tournament Results

As our yearly 8-ball tournament was finishing up in April of 2023, our tournament regulars decided that we wanted to play some competitive 9-ball…but not REALLY competitive. So, we started the Monday night Official Unofficial Weekly 9-ball tournament. Here’s the winners list and winner totals, with the “rules” sandwiched inbetween.

YearWeek #DateBracketShooter 1Shooter 2
202421202409235-Team Double Elim.Jerry Hudson 3JP Roberts 3
202421202409235-Team Double Elim.Jimmy HudsonJanet Lovins
202421202409165-Team Single Elim.Jimmy HudsonJerry Hudson 3
202421202409166-Team Double Elim.Joe RhodesRoy “Smiley” Lovins
202420202409095-Team Double Elim.Joe RhodesBill Tester
202420202409093-Team Double Elim.Jerry Hudson 3Roy Engel
202419202409024-Team Double Elim.Janet LovinsMike Worthen
202418202408264-Team Double Elim.Jack FranksJP Roberts 3
202418202408266-Team Double Elim.JP Roberts 3Joe Rhodes
202417202408196-Team Double Elim.Harry DiehlRoy Engel
202417202408194-Team Double Elim.Jerry Hudson 3Roy Engel
202416202408125-Team Double Elim.Jimmy HudsonJP Roberts 3
202416202408125-Team Double Elim.JP Roberts 3Jimmy Hudson
202415202408054-Team Double Elim.Joe RhodesBill Tester
202414202407295-Team Double Elim.Joe RhodesJP Roberts 3
202414202407296-Team Double Elim.JP Roberts 3Joe Rhodes
202413202407225-Team Double Elim.Joe RhodesBill Tester
202413202407225-Team Double Elim.Jerry Hudson 3Roy “Smiley” Lovins
202412202407155-Team Double Elim.Roy EngelRoy “Smiley” Lovins
202412202407155-Team Double Elim.JP Roberts 3Bill Tester
202411202407084-Team Double Elim.JP Roberts 3Bill Tester
202411202407084-Team Double Elim.Jerry Hudson 3Janet Lovins
202410202407016-Player Double Elim.Roy Engeln/a
202410202407015-Team Double Elim.JP Roberts 3Jimmy Hudson
20249202406245-Team Single Elim.G MidyJimmy Hudson
20249202406245-Team Double Elim.Joe RhodesJP Roberts 3
20248202406177-Player Double Elim.Alice Diehln/a
20247202406104-Team Single Elim.Jack FranksJP Roberts 3
20247202406105-Team Double Elim.Roy EngelAlison Wetzel Josiah
20246202406034-Team Single Elim.Joe RhodesJP Roberts 3
20246202406035-Team Double Elim.Joe RhodesJP Roberts 3
20245202405206-Team Single Elim.Jerry Hudson 3Janet Lovins
20245202405206-Team Double Elim.G MidyJoe Rhodes
20244202405134-Team Double Elim.Alison Wetzel JosiahJoe Rhodes
20243202405074-Team Double Elim.Joe RhodesRoy “Smiley” Lovins
20242202404303-Team Double Elim.G MidyJerry Hudson 3
20242202404305-Player Double Elim.Joe Rhodesn/a
20241202404225-Team Double Elim.JP Roberts 3Jerry Hudson 3
202320202309254-Team Double Elim.Harry DiehlBonnie Chaffman
202319202309184-Team Double Elim.Alison Wetzel JosiahRoy “Smiley” Lovins
202318202309114-Team Double Elim.Harry DiehlAlice Diehl
202317202309043-Team Double Elim.JP Roberts 3Jimmy Hudson
202316202308284-Team Double Elim.Joe RhodesAlice Diehl
202315202308214-Team Double Elim.Joe RhodesJP Roberts 3
202314202308145-Team Double Elim.JP Roberts 3Alice Diehl
202313202308074-Team Double Elim.Jerry Hudson 3Roy “Smiley”
202312202307314-Team Double Elim.Joe RhodesJerry Hudson 3
202311202307244-Team Double Elim.Jimmy HudsonRoy “Smiley” Lovins
202310202307184-Player Double Elim.Jerry Hudson 3n/a
20239202307104-Team Double Elim.Joe RhodesHarry Diehl
20238202307034-Team Double Elim.Jerry Hudson 3Linda
20237202306255-Team Double Elim.Janet LovinsJoe Rhodes
20236202306194-Team Double Elim.Jerry Hudson 3Janet Lovins
20235202306194-Team Double Elim.Alison Wetzel JosiahLinda
20234202305224-Team Double Elim.Joe RhodesLinda
20233202305154-Team Double Elim.Jerry Hudson 3Harry Diehl
20232202305084-Team Double Elim.Jerry Hudson 3Harry Diehl
20231202305014-Team Double Elim.Jerry Hudson 3Janet Lovins

“Da Rules”

  • Show up a few minutes before 7pm
  • Partners drawn randomly.
  • Anything from 3-shooter individual single-elimination brackets on up to 6-team double-elimination bracket. It depends on how many people are shooting.
  • If we have 3-4 teams, each match in the bracket will be a 3-game match.
  • More than 4 teams, then each match is a single game.
  • Standard 9-ball rules, EXCEPT for the rail rule (“if no ball is pocketed, either the cue ball or any numbered ball must touch a rail after the cue ball contacts the lowest numbered ball for the shot to be legal.”)
  • Fouls – We try to be gentlemen and gentleladies on fouls, like determining bad hits, missed balls, tapping the cue ball on warm-up strokes, and accidentally contacting other balls with a body part or stick. We just don’t want to get too intense about it.
  • Honest Try – Yes, it is a strategy in APA and money tournaments to play safeties. However, we really want each player’s shot to be an honest try to pocket (or contact) a ball.
  • Winners get their mugshots put up on the Post’s Facebook page and posted on this page.
ShooterBrackets Won
Joe Rhodes20
JP Roberts 3rd18
Jerry Hudson 3rd18
Jimmy Hudson8
Roy “Smiley” Lovins7
Janet Lovins7
Harry Diehl6
Roy Engel6
Bill Tester5
Alison Wetzel Josiah4
Alice Diehl4
G Midy3
Jack Franks2
Bonnie Chaffman1
Mike Worthen1